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**Here is a list and brief overview of the yearly feasts and holy days.**


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A time from sunset Friday until sunset Saturday to rest from worldly labors.  Draw closer to the Most High through prayer, praise, and scripture reading.  This is a weekly feast day and a time to rejoice. Four sabbaths a year are intercalary sabbaths. Here is a rundown of Sabbath protocols.


New months ©2020 shamai book company

Jubilees chapter 6 outlines how the year is divided into seasons and Noah declared the first day of each season a feast day to be observed throughout the generations.  These feasts occur four times a year as the first day of each new season and are double sabbaths.


Passover icon ©2020 shamai book co

A high holy feast day held in remembrance of the Most High delivering the children of Israel from bondage in Egypt.  The blood of the Passover lamb was smeared on the doorpost--notifying the death angel to "pass over" the Hebrew homes.  The meal consisted of lamb, bitter herbs, and unleavened bread. 


Unleavened bread ©2020 shamai book company

Just as the name suggests, the Feast of Unleavened Bread is a week long feast beginning the day after Passover (a double sabbath) wherein the Israelites were instructed to consume unleavened bread.  Today we honor this by removing products with leavening agents (like yeast) from our homes for the week.  We consume unleavened bread nightly with our feasts.


First Fruits feast of weeks pentecost (c) 2020 shamai book company

Also called the "Feast of Weeks". The Feast of First Fruits occurs 7 sabbaths and one day after Passover.  It was a time when the Israelites offered free will offerings to the Most High of their harvest's yearly increase.  This feast is also when Christ's disciples received the gift of tongues from the Holy Spirit during Pentecost.  The disciples became Christ's first fruits offering.


Feast of trumpets (c) 2020 shamai book company

A double sabbath.  Occurs the first day of the seventh month.  Announces the changing of seasons into fall and the day of atonement in 10 days.  Blowing of trumpets (or ram's horn shofars) was a common task to loudly proclaim a jovial occasion or warn of impending danger.


Day of Atonement (c) 2020 shamai book company

Begins the evening of the 9th day, which starts the 10th day.  A time to afflict the soul through prayer and fasting.  Beginning after the Feast of Trumpets you should make amends with those to whom you have caused offense.  Enter into this day with no unacknowledged sins.


Feast of tabernacles (c) 2020 shamai book company

An eight-day feast that begins the 15th day of the seventh month.  For seven days we are to dwell in booths (a temporary dwelling such as a tent).  We do this in remembrance of how the Israelites dwelled in the wilderness after leaving Egypt.


Feast of Dedication (c) 2020 shamai book company

Commemorates the retaking, purification, and rededication of the Temple.  A feat accomplished by Judah Maccabees.  It began when Antiochus Epiphanes overtook Jerusalem, defiled the sanctuary with unclean sacrifices, and devastated the people.  This eight-day feast begins the 25th day of the ninth month.


Feast of purim festival of purim (c) shamai book company

Celebrates a triumphant end to the book of Esther.  A two-day feast that is celebrated with feasting and gift-giving.  Due to the jealousy of one man, all Jews across the land were to be destroyed.  But the Most High had put Mordecai and Esther in place for "such as time as this".  They risked their lives and successfully guided their people through this time of certain death.


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