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Our Homeschool-ish Experience

All praises to Most High Ahayah we are slowly getting there!

In light of recent events, it has become almost a necessity to homeschool your children.


Our Transition From Brick-And-Mortar School

Last fall, before my family even knew what COVID was, it was decided that our two youngest learners would begin virtual learning by way of online public middle school via K12 Online Public School.

The boys (then sixth graders and first-time middle schoolers) needed a distraction-free environment so they could focus on their studies.

Online public school also allows more freedom to supplement and monitor their education up close.

We chose this option since the curriculum was readily available on short notice and the program provides all the materials necessary we need from computers to science and art materials to virtual tutoring to text books.

I am able to sit in on classes and follow the lessons with them as necessary.

We supplement with scripture study and discuss any parts that disagree with our beliefs.

Best of all—they LOVE it!

Now, the oldest two young men (9th graders and first-time high schoolers) are making the transition from brick-and-mortar public school, but they will have two separate paths.

The second oldest (who is still distance learning with the local high school) will be transitioning to the online public school model since he is taking AP level classes to prepare for college.

The oldest has now fully transitioned to “real” homeschool as he wants to enter a trade but we are still preparing for the possibility of college.

He loves the more laidback atmosphere and freedom to work LESS and at his own pace.

We incorporate Bible study and Hebrew culture, history, and language into his required course work.


Be Ready For Success AND Struggle

This journey has presented its challenges but understanding and considering the times we are in, the Most High has definitely blessed us through the changes.

Even though I am a certified teacher, it has definitely taken a mind-shift to go from Public elementary school to virtual middle school and homeschool high school.

In the beginning, the biggest struggle was time management on all of our parts.

Fresh out of elementary school, it took the youngest two boys quite a bit of time to master self-management and time management.

But all praises this year, they have started off strong and more focused.

This year, we also set up personal workstations in the common area in the house.

They like having a space all their own to work from and personalize in their unique styles.

Eventually, we may have to officially homeschool all the boys, but for now the set up works for us.

If you are making the change to homeschool or virtual online school, remember to do what works for YOU and YOUR FAMILY.

No one understands your child’s needs and abilities better than you.


Let me know in the comments if you would like to know more about starting online public school or preparing for high school homeschool.

While I am a novice to homeschooling, I am more than willing to share our process and journey.


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